978-1-911589-00-6 / 9781911589006
Imagine being able to spot the next big trend, or being able to predict the next big wave of change. Imagine having a code that gives you the power to invent, predict or harness the next big technology. Humanification is going to help you unlock the DNA of innovation itself, so you can apply it to your life, your business and your community.
The story starts with a little girl, a terminal diagnosis and a ticking clock. Join the author as he searches for a cure. Along the way you will discover the seven powerful forces of innovation that are going to change everything in your world within your lifetime. Through a series of stories, research and personal insights, the author reveals how he came to see the world from a totally new perspective.
This new vantage point allowed him to uncover a unique wave pattern. Incredibly that wave pattern turned out to be a blueprint for just about every disruptive technology breakthrough. Christian Kromme also made another remarkable breakthrough. He discovered that our manmade technology follows exactly the same evolutionary steps as life itself.
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  • Envío en 3 días
  • Autor:
  • Editorial: Ed:978-1-911589
  • ISBN: 978-1-911589-00-6
  • EAN: 9781911589006
  • Año: 2020
  • Colección: < Genérica >
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