978-1-64743-200-3 / 9781647432003
Stand your ground without guilt, fear, or awkward tension. Finally get what you deserve and stop "letting it slide".
Who is making your daily choices for you? Is it you? Make sure you possess the everyday assertiveness to get what you want and resist the pressure to reject what you don't want. You've put yourself last your entire life. It's time for that to change.
Stop enabling, sacrificing your needs, people pleasing, and being so "agreeable."
The Art of Everyday Assertiveness is a guide for the chronically "nice," "overwhelmed," and "accommodating". It is a deep psychological dive into the beliefs that makes us lack assertiveness, and how to systematically combat and replace compulsions with healthy mindsets.
This is a book that stands apart from others because of the plethora of real life examples and solutions. If your problem is assertiveness, you'll find the step by step answer in this book - included is an Assertiveness Action Plan unlik
  • Envío en 3 días
  • Autor:
  • Editorial: Ed:978-1-64743
  • ISBN: 978-1-64743-200-3
  • EAN: 9781647432003
  • Año: 2020
  • Colección: < Genérica >
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