978-0-9976373-0-4 / 9780997637304
Bringing together a Judeo-Christian anthropology with biological and psychodynamic theories of human development and sexuality, psychologist Joseph Nicolosi details the therapeutic techniques of reparative therapy he has developed over the past decades.Written in three parts, the book first describes the nature of the psychodynamics of same-sex attraction as understood in the reparative therapy approach. The second part describes the various phases of treatment. The final part deals with walking clients through the process of grieving and the healing of their wounding.Endorsed by numerous notable leaders in psychotherapy, Nicolosi offers practical guidance for counselors and therapists who want to offer reparative therapy to those seeking change.Revised edition with new chapter on EMDR.
  • Envío en 3 días
  • Autor:
  • Editorial: Liberal Mind Publishers
  • ISBN: 978-0-9976373-0-4
  • EAN: 9780997637304
  • Año: 2020
  • Colección: < Genérica >
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