978-1-934899-39-7 / 9781934899397
Make Better Decisions helps generic and branded companies alike find and evaluate drug market entry opportunities.Billions of dollars can change hands when key drug patents expire and generics launch. Brands can experience precipitous revenue erosion as generic drugs rapidly gain market share. All the while patients, physicians, payers, pharmacists, and other healthcare stakeholders must race to keep up.Make Better Decisions answers the following questions to help you adapt: When will key drug patents expire? How can I write stronger patents? How can I defeat drug patents? How can I find, evaluate, and plan for generic market entry opportunities? How can I find proprietary out-of-court settlements and deal terms? Comprehensive and actionable coverage of commercial, legal, and regulatory factors builds a solid foundation for strategic thinking. Diverse case studies build on this groundwork by analyzing and explaining real-work examples to form the underpinning for your tactical plans.Author Yali Friedman, Ph.D.
  • Envío en 3 días
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  • ISBN: 978-1-934899-39-7
  • EAN: 9781934899397
  • Año: 2020
  • Colección: < Genérica >
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