Portada No Disponible


978-1-4566-2561-0 / 9781456625610
The Next Perfect Trade articulates a set of principles that can be applied in discovering superior trades; those that will be profitable in the broadest range of economic scenarios. The book shifts focus from forces that drive markets to forces that drive successful trades. The robust performance of this approach has inspired the subtitle A Magic Sword of Necessity.If you think of investing as a rigorous intellectual battle, you need to prepare for it thoroughly. Get in proper shape. Learn your moves, acquire your armor, your shield, your helmet and your battle horse. A magic weapon will be wasted if you get killed by the markets first arrow. Every chapter in this book represents a step towards mastering the sword of necessity. Taking each of those steps has its own merit. Both aspiring and experienced investors can find value in this book long before the advanced concepts, such as "necessity" and "dominance," are fully introduced. And with complete training and equipment, this weapon may give you a devastating advantage.
  • Envío en 3 días
  • Autor:
  • Editorial: Ed:978-1-4566
  • ISBN: 978-1-4566-2561-0
  • EAN: 9781456625610
  • Año: 2024
  • Colección: < Genérica >
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