978-84-8026-646-8 / 9788480266468
From a critical reformulation of the ?machine? concept developed by philosophers Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari in the wake of May ?68 in France, the research and exhibition machinations brings together some fifty artists to shed light on different forms of resistance, coalition and creativity tied largely to the Mediterranean and Africa. Using a broad array of languages and expressive mediums ? drawings, paintings, performance, installation, videos ? it sets forth various themes ranging from the need to place the defence of the commons at the heart of political-artistic reflection and practice to denouncing the devastating effects, both environmental and social, of certain economic and institutional practices. This book documents the curators? proposal via an essay and visual recording of the works comprising the exhibition, some of which were conceived specifically for the occasion. Moreover, it is accompanied by a compilation of texts from a scientific committee and by some of the contributors who worked on prior research, through which the selected works are articulated around three interconnected s
  • Envío en 3 días
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  • ISBN: 978-84-8026-646-8
  • EAN: 9788480266468
  • Año: 2024
  • Colección: FONDO
  • Nº páginas: 232
  • Encuadernación: Rústica
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