978-1-74321-197-7 / 9781743211977
With more than one billion speakers worldwide, Mandarin is the most widely spoken language on the planet. How can you miss the chance to communicate with one in seven people on Earth?

Lonely Planet Phrasebooks have been connecting travellers and locals for over a quarter of a century - our phrasebooks and mobile apps cover more than any other publisher!

Order the right meal with our menu decoder
Never get stuck for words with our 3500-word two-way dictionary
We make language easy with shortcuts, key phrases & common Q&As
Feel at ease, with essential tips on culture & manners

Coverage includes: Basics, Practical, Social, Safe Travel, Food and Sustainable Travel
  • 7,95 €
  • No disponible temporalmente
  • Autor:
  • Editorial: LONELY PLANET
  • ISBN: 978-1-74321-197-7
  • EAN: 9781743211977
  • Año: 2012
  • Colección: PHRASEBOOKS
  • Nº páginas: 256
  • Encuadernación: Rústica
  • No todos los libros están en existencias en la librería. Y algunos (pocos) no están en ventas. Antes de venir confirme su disponibilidad y venalidad.

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